Upcoming Events

Experience learning directly with Grand Master Nan Lu through the seasonal cleanses and distance learning programs offered by TCM World Foundation. Each one is it’s own Qi booster; each one is filled with limitless potential for change and growth. Let us know if you sign up as we often organize study groups in conjunction with these programs.

Liver Cleansing Program:
Distance Learning with TCM World Foundation

Dates: March 18-25, 2018

Liver, the major organ responsible for your flexibility, your mood swings, detoxing the body and managing stress. Need we say more? This one week virtual program is a must for health conscious individuals. More information will be available February 2018.

The Dragon’s Way Deep Dive Retreat
with Grand Master Nan Lu

Dates: April 13-15, 2018

The Dragon’s Way…Deep Dive Retreat is back. Spend an inspiring weekend with Grand Master Lu and experience what happens when the energy master guides you through body, mind, and spirit practices.